- Finish applying to universities in the states and get a full scholarship
- Sit for the FRM exam and PASS
- Learn c# and how to handle macros
- Things I want to push for
- Work on automating all reports for credit risk function
- Develop at least two rating models by June
- Work on RAROC models
- Work on credit VAR
- Lose weight slowly and reach my optima l weight my birthday in September
- Get back to the 30 minute morning walk at least 4 times a week
- Join the Fastwalk group at least 5 times a month
- Run an active blog and write at least once a week
- Publish my old poems and write new ones
- Get back to learning German
- Take Piano and singing lessons
- Read 5 more books in addition to the monthly book club selection
- Get the Advanced Communicator Bronze award and Advanced Leader Bronze in Toastmasters program
- Run an active French Toastmasters club
- Black Iris to achieve 10 DCP points, at least 1 contestant to reach district level and
- One new club to be opened in Area 56
- Amman West Chapter to be revived
- Reach a club membership of 60
As for small things that I want to learn
- Learn how to type using the 10 fingers (silly I know)
- Watch more movies and make more reviews, you can count the movies I watched last year using two hands.
- Listen more to old jazz songs
Let's hope I get most of those done :)
I also added that I want to know more about politics :)