Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall... Who's the fairest of them all?

The answer was of course Snow White

Snow White represents the a beauty inside out, a pure-hearted girl who can't hurt anyone and who is blinded by her naivety and innocence. That I believe was the definition of beauty in the old times and in most romantic classics be it movies or books... But I often wonder is that what defines beauty nowadays or is pure materiality the one that prevails.

Men (as well as women, but less proportionatly) care most about the exterior looks... It's how ravishing and sexy a woman is regardless of her intelligence, kindness and tenderness.

Ever since my teenage years I have been criticized for not taking care of my looks; not wearing make-up, not doing my hair, not watching my weight and so on. At the beginning it was only my female friends, then the circle expanded to include my co-workers, boss, male friends, male relatives and finally my DAD... What is going wrong with this world? Isn't natural beauty appreciated anymore?!?!

I really need to know what's wrong...

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